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Tavern Night, Thursday June 7, 2018

During the 18th century, taverns were an integral part of every community. After a long weary day of work, the Tavern was a place to relax with friends, play a game or two and have a hearty meal while they gossiped about the day’s events. Beyond being a place to eat and drink, Taverns served as a meeting space where business transactions could take place and where locals could share ideas, and learn of news from out-of-towners. The Tavern was where the local militia drummed up support and recruited for soldiers to join in the Fight for Independence.

In the spirit of the 18th century Tavern, on June 7, 2018 The Dey Mansion held its first ever family-friendly Tavern Night and while we did not recruit for the local militia we did have a great time enjoying the sounds of the Zachary Baransky band, beer from the River of Beer and food by Big Johns Gourmet Burgers. It was a chance for us to gather our own community for games and laughter with a relaxing evening under the stars, and, of course, the Museum was open free of admission.