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Shakespeare comes to Dey Mansion for Valentine’s Day

Join us Dey Mansion the evening of February 6th or February 13th. Scenes will include and peppered with sonnets:

Love lesson scene of Rosalind and Orlando from "As You Like It"

Stealing away scene of Lysander and Hermia from "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

Balcony scene from "Romeo and Julliet

Meeting scene of Miranda and Ferdinand from "The Tempest"

Jousting scene of Benedick and Beatrice from "Much Ado About Nothing"

Capture in war scene of Suffolk and Margaret from "Henry VI, Part 1"

Meeting scene of Petruchio and Kate from "Taming of the Shrew" with fencing swords Meeting and parting of Proteus and Julia in "Two Gentlemen of Verona"

Unrequited love with Orsino and Viola in "Twelfth Night" Return of Benedick and Beatrice

Morning after scene from the Greek set "Troilus and Cressida"

Lovers joust from the Egyptian set "Antony and Cleopatra"

Accusation and trial of Hermione with her husband Leontes from "The Winter's Tale"

Covering up murder with Lady and Lord "Macbeth"

End of a relationship with Hamlet and Ophelila Love lesson reprise with Orlando and Rosalind form "As You Like It"

Reservations are required as seating is limited to 35 guests. $15.00 per person Please call 973 – 706 – 6640 or email to to reserve your space.