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Harvest Festival

Eastside Park Learning Garden 587 Park Avenue, Paterson, NJ, United States

Celebrate fall at City Green's Harvest Festival! Join us from 11:00 - 2:00 at Eastside Park in Paterson to pick up pumpkins, create fall nature crafts, shop for City Green …


Virtual: Suffrage/Women’s Fashion of the 19th Century


American women's fashion changed drastically between 1830 - 1920. One of the ways we can study this change is through their undying pursuit for equal rights through voting. With each step towards the Vote, women's fashion stepped in a direction that directly affects how women dress today.


Preserving the Garden Family Program

City Green Farm Eco-Center 171 Grove Street, Clifton, NJ, United States

Children ages 5-10 can join City Green to learn how to preserve the fruits of the garden through the winter! Join us in pickling, seed saving, and more!


Belated Veterans Day Concert

Totowa Public Library 537 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ, United States

A belated Veterans Day musical performance by: Mike Luipersbeck and The All Star Trio featuring renowned pianist-Bob Mchugh, Basist-Ron Naspo, and Jazz Drummer-Mike Luipersbeck. Friday, November 18th, 2022 at 2:00pm, …


Totowa Turkey Trot

Totowa Municipal Building 537 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey

The Totowa Board of Recreation in conjunction with the Totowa Library are offering the Fourth annual Turkey Trot on Sunday, November 20th at 10:00 a.m. The race starts at 10:00 …