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Art in the Park

Goffle Brook Park 675 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ, United States

Join us for art vendors, live music, art activities, a beer garden, and much, much more. Visit for more information.


Art in the Park

Goffle Brook Park 675 Goffle Road, Hawthorne, NJ, United States

Join us for art vendors, live music, art activities, a beer garden, and much, much more. Visit for more information.


Introduction to Bomba

Passaic County Arts Center at the John W. Rea House 675 Goffle Rd, Hawthorne, NJ

Learn about the rich history and culture of Bomba every Thursday night in our Introduction to Bomba class. Instructor Chris Rodriguez will be using the essential instruments and rhythms of …

Oil Painting Portraiture

Passaic County Arts Center at the John W. Rea House 675 Goffle Rd, Hawthorne, NJ

Join us for our Oil Painting Portraiture Class led by the professional artist and instructor, Kyeong Kun No. Every Friday night, Kyeong will teach students the key elements of figurative …