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Peter The Rock – The Musical

Oasis of Grace Church 93 Parish Drive, Wayne, NJ, United States

THIS EASTER: Watch the story of Peter, a prisoner in Rome including his journey with Jesus - his adventures, misadventures, and restoration. OASIS OF GRACE CHURCH Presents "PETER THE ROCK"The Musical "UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH." MATTHEW 16:18 "PETER THE ROCK" The musical is an original FREE presentation for the WHOLE FAMILY! It tells the story of …


Peter The Rock – The Musical

Oasis of Grace Church 93 Parish Drive, Wayne, NJ, United States

THIS EASTER: Watch the story of Peter, a prisoner in Rome including his journey with Jesus - his adventures, misadventures, and restoration. OASIS OF GRACE CHURCH Presents "PETER THE ROCK"The Musical "UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH." MATTHEW 16:18 "PETER THE ROCK" The musical is an original FREE presentation for the WHOLE FAMILY! It tells the story of …
